Sep 7, 2008

Caravaggio paintings

"I hate!" Leonid said, and although his glare suggested he meant deception as well as distortion, he shook Greene's shoulder with rough goodwill. "You wrong about you! I like okay!"
Greene cocked his head, much moved. "I don't know. I swear to Pete. . . That durn window by the funhouse that I told you-all about -- you know what I decided a while back, when I was in jail here?" He looked from one to the other of us. "Come to me it weren't any window at all, but a gosh-durn mirror!"
Max pretended astonishment.
"It wasme talking dirty to Sally Ann!" Greene said bitterly. "I chunked that rock at my own self, that I thought was the Peeping Tom!"
Leonid feigned horror. "Impossity, Peter Greene!"
"Sure it is!" Greene laughed and sprang up with more vigor than he'd displayed since the rape. "Couldn't nobody see their own reflection so far off, all that distortion!"
"Night-time too," I reminded him -- relieved, but not unappalled, that he'd taken

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