Mar 28, 2008


经说情,送了10两大烟,5两老海,才算留个活命;城东南乡尚岗杨村杨凤洲,当时任日伪古城乡乡长, 因特务队的人向他索贿没有得逞,便说他给游击队送粮送款,被抓进阎王殿,鞭打、火烤、犬咬,直到腿残腰折,托人说情后,送了5两大烟、8两黄金,才算逃出虎口;城东南乡姚庄蒋兰亭和儿子蒋百年因事得罪了酒井特务,被抓了进去,父子二人活活被狼犬咬残,然后被活埋;南郊十八里河乡小刘村富豪刘光钦,家有良田300多亩,当过校长,副乡长,因被日维持会敲诈,送礼较晚,被抓进特务队关了87天,其父卖了100多亩地,送了50两黄金,又请客无数次后,才将奄奄一息的儿子救出来……

Mar 26, 2008



澳大利亚媒体对这个“新闻”的炒作在澳国内造成了何种影响还不得而知,但从这几篇报道后面的网友留言来看,澳大利亚人对这样的“新闻”反应并不一致。《广告人》那篇报道后面就有位名为“Jay Brown”的网友这样写道:“为什么就中国政府有权提这样的要求呢?世界其他国家的政府提出如此要求了吗?……想像一下吧:澳大利亚街头到

Mar 25, 2008


虽然在日本精英层中,有不少人有着强烈的“台湾情节”,对于属于“外省人”的国民党在心灵上距离比较远,觉得马英九的当选让日本“不放心”,但也有日本学者超越了这种历史羁绊,以更广的视角来看待马英九当选对日台关系的影响。日本另一位台湾问题专家、现任日本文部省教科书调查官门间理良就认为“马英九胜选给日本带来良机”。 门间理良在台湾“大选”前接受美国之音采访时就表示,如果国民党获胜,两岸关系短期内可将出现好转,不排除未来两岸实现统一的可能,同时这对于强化日台关系也是一个不可多得的良机。有些观点认为马英九是“亲中”的政治家,而且有“反日”情节,这对日本尤其不利,但门间理良却认为,马英九当选,两岸关系会走向稳定,加之目前中日关系、中美关系都处于良好状态中,
在这样一个大环境下日本强化与台湾的事务性关系,被说成是支持“台独”的说法就很难成立下海正:从FNN了报道得中国海军派遣新型F23T型护卫舰前往协助所谓“尖阁群岛科学考察”事件,可以看出,中国的野心在今天的极端膨胀之下,以往中国领导人的诺言都是“可信程度”的笑话。在我前次驱赶了中国官方科学考察船之后,中国政府对此表示不满。而且在派遣到日本国实施访问的中国海军舰队中,失去了我们期盼见到的170宙斯盾级驱逐舰。而且中国国防长官声言要派遣4艘F23T型护卫舰,再次协助科学考察。而中国与我国的“尖阁群岛”问题谈判会商组目前处于搁置状态。中国人再一次拒绝了我们为了亲善目的主动谈判要求。 中国此次出人意外宣称:“钓鱼岛是中国主权领土,没有谈判的余地与必要”。而且随后中国在山东,辽宁增加了120枚弹道导弹的部署部队。这些导弹是经过改进的可以远达我国西部列岛周边,已经东京都附近。这是公开核威慑!

Mar 24, 2008



Mar 23, 2008

Modern Art Painting

molested by any; now, here I lay again crushed and
trodden on; and could I ever rise more?
'Never,' I thought; and ardently I wished to die. While sobbing out
this wish in broken accents, some one approached: I started up-
again Helen Burns was near me; the fading fires just showed her coming
up the long, vacant room; she brought my coffee and bread.
'Come, eat something,' she said; but I put both away from me,
feeling as if a drop or a crumb would have choked me in my present
condition. Helen regarded me,

now abate my agitation, though I tried hard; I continued to weep
aloud. She sat down on the ground near me, embraced her knees with her
arms, and rested her head upon them; in that attitude she remained
silent as an Indian. I was the first who spoke-
'Helen, why do you stay with a girl whom everybody believes to be a

Mar 20, 2008

leonardo da vinci last supper painting

me by the exigency of hunger.
Sundays were dreary days in that wintry season. We had to walk
two miles to Brocklebridge Church, where our patron officiated. We set
out cold, we arrived at church colder: during the morning service we
became almost paralysed. It was too far to return to dinner, and an
allowance of cold meat and bread, in the same penurious proportion
observed in our ordinary meals, was served round between the services.
At the close of the afternoon service we returned by an exposed and
hilly road, where the bitter winter wind, blowing over a range of
snowy summits to the north,
I can remember Miss Temple walking lightly and rapidly along our
drooping line, her plaid cloak, which the frosty wind fluttered,
gathered close about her, and encouraging us, by precept and

Mar 18, 2008

da vinci painting

quantity small. How small my portion seemed! I wished
it had been doubled.
In the course of the day I was enrolled a member of the fourth
class, and regular tasks and occupations were assigned me: hitherto, I
had only been a spectator of the proceedings at Lowood; I was now to
become an actor therein. At first, being little accustomed to learn by
heart, the lessons appeared to me both long and difficult; the
frequent change from task to task, too, bewildered me; and I was
glad when, about three o'clock in the afternoon, Miss Smith put into
my hands a border of muslin two yards long,
thimble, etc., and sent me to sit in a quiet corner of the schoolroom,
with directions to hem the same. At that hour most of the others
were sewing likewise; but one class still stood round Miss Scatcherd's

Mar 17, 2008

leonardo da vinci last supper painting

The upper teachers now punctually resumed their posts: but
still, all seemed to wait. Ranged on benches down the sides of the
room, the eighty girls sat motionless and erect; a quaint assemblage
they appeared, all with plain locks combed from their faces, not a
curl visible; in brown dresses, made high and surrounded by a narrow
tucker about the throat, with little pockets of holland (shaped
something like a Highlander's purse) tied in front of their frocks,
and destined to serve the purpose of a work-bag: all, too, wearing
woollen stockings and country-made shoes, fastened with brass buckles.
Above twenty of those clad in this costume were full-grown girls, or
rather young women; it suited them ill, and gave an air of oddity even
to the prettiest.
I was still looking at them, and also at intervals examining the
teachers- none of whom precisely pleased me; for the stout one was a

Mar 16, 2008

art work painting

at times defied her authority and laughed it to scorn;
she dressed well, and had a presence and port calculated to set off
handsome attire.
Sitting on a low stool, a few yards from her arm-chair, I
examined her figure; I perused her features. In my hand I held the
tract containing the sudden death of the Liar, to which narrative my
attention had been pointed as to an appropriate warning. What had just
passed; what Mrs. Reed had said concerning me to Mr. Brocklehurst; the
whole tenor of their conversation, was recent,
mind; I had felt every word as acutely as I had heard it plainly,
and a passion of resentment fomented now within me.
Mrs. Reed looked up from her work; her eye settled on mine, her
fingers at the same time suspended their nimble movements.

Mar 14, 2008

Famous artist painting

the same roof with her; for her glance, now
more than ever, when turned on me, expressed an insuperable and rooted
Eliza and Georgiana, evidently acting according to orders, spoke to
me as little as possible: John thrust his tongue in his cheek whenever
he saw me, and once attempted chastisement; but as I instantly
turned against him, roused by the same sentiment of deep ire and
desperate revolt which had stirred my corruption before,
he thought it
better to desist, and ran from me uttering execrations, and vowing I
had burst his nose. I had indeed levelled at that prominent feature as
hard a blow as my knuckles could inflict; and when I saw that either
that or my look daunted him, I had the greatest inclination to

Mar 13, 2008

thomas kinkade painting

to my grief: I felt so sheltered and befriended while he sat
in the chair near my pillow; and as he closed the door after him,
all the room darkened and my heart again sank: inexpressible sadness
weighed it down.
'Do you feel as if you should sleep, Miss?' asked Bessie, rather
Scarcely dared I answer her; for I feared the next sentence might
be rough. 'I will try.'
'Would you like to drink, or could you eat anything?'
'No, thank you, Bessie.'
'Then I think I shall go to bed, for it is past twelve o'clock; but
you may call me if you want anything in the night.'
Wonderful civility this! It emboldened me to ask a question.
'Bessie, what is the matter with me? Am I ill?'

painting idea

their mama in the drawing-room: she lay reclined on a sofa by the
fireside, and with her darlings about her (for the time neither
quarrelling nor crying) looked perfectly happy. Me, she had
dispensed from joining the group; saying, 'She regretted to be under
the necessity of keeping me at a distance; but that until she heard
from Bessie, and could discover by her own observation, that I was
endeavouring in good earnest to acquire a more sociable and
childlike disposition,
a more attractive and sprightly manner-
something lighter, franker, more natural, as it were- she really
must exclude me from privileges intended only for contented, happy,
little children.'

Mar 11, 2008

The Birth of Venus

She returned to the hearth, and frankly extended her hand. He blackened and scowled like a thunder cloud, and kept his fists resolutely clenched, and his gaze fixed on the ground. Catherine, by instinct, must have divined it was obdurate perversity, and not dislike, that prompted this dogged conduct; for, after remaining an instant undecided, she stooped and impressed on his cheek a gentle kiss. The little rogue thought I had not seen her, and, drawing back, she took her former station by the window, quite demurely. I shook my head reprovingly, and then she blushed and whispered:

`Well! what should I have done, Ellen? He wouldn't shake hands, and he wouldn't look: I must show him some way that I like him--that I want to be friends.'
Whether the kiss convinced Hareton, I cannot tell: he was very careful, for some minutes, that his face should not be seen, and when he did raise it, he was sadly puzzled where to turn his eyes.

Mar 10, 2008

famous art painting

She does not seem so amiable', I thought, `as Mrs Dean would persuade me to believe. She's a beauty, it is true; but not an angel.'
Earnshaw surlily bid her remove her things to the kitchen. `Remove them yourself,' she said, pushing them from her as soon as she had done; and retiring to a stool by the window, where she began to carve figures of birds and beasts out of the turnip parings in her lap. I approached her, pretending to desire a view of the garden; and, as I fancied, adroitly dropped Mrs Dean's note on to her knee, unnoticed by Hareton--but she asked aloud, `What is that?' and chucked it off.
`A letter from your old acquaintance, the housekeeper at the Grange,' I answered; annoyed at her exposing my kind deed, and fearful lest it should be imagined a missive of my own. She would gladly have gathered it up at this information, but Hareton beat her; he seized and put it in his waistcoat, saying Mr Heathcliff should look at it first. Thereat, Catherine silently

Mar 9, 2008

da vinci painting

sweet spirit. He's as bitter as gall at your desertion and its consequences: don't expect thanks for this noble devotion. I heard him draw a pleasant picture to Zillah of what he would do if he were as strong as I: the inclination is there, and his very weakness will sharpen his wits to find a substitute for strength.'
`I know he has a bad nature,' said Catherine: `he's your son. But I'm glad I've a better, to forgive it; and I know he loves me, and for that reason I love him. Mr Heathcliff, you have nobody to love you; and, however miserable you make us, we shall still have the revenge of thinking that your cruelty arises from your greater misery. You are miserable, are you not? Lonely, like the devil, and envious like him? Nobody loves you--nobody will cry for you when you die! I wouldn't be you!'
Catherine spoke with a kind of dreary triumph: she seemed to have made up her mind to enter into the spirit of her future family, and draw pleasure from the griefs of her enemies.
`You shall be sorry to be yourself presently', said her father-in-law, `if you stand there another minute. Begone, witch, and get your things!'
She scornfully withdrew. In her absence, I began to beg for Zillah's place at the Heights, offering to resign mine to her; but he would suffer it on no account. He bid me be silent

Mar 7, 2008

van gogh painting

till master told me you'd been found, and he'd lodged you here! What! and you must have got on an island, sure? And how long were you in the hole? Did master save you, Mrs Dean? But you're not so thin--you've not been so poorly, have you?'
`Your master is a true scoundrel!' I replied. `But he shall answer for it. He needn't have raised that tale: it shall all be laid bare!'
`What do you mean?' asked zillah. `It's not his tale: they tell that in the village--about your being lost in the marsh: and I calls to Earnshaw, when I come in--"Eh, they's queer things, Mr Hareton, happened since I went off. It's a sad pity of that likely young lass, and cant Nelly Dean.'' He stared. I thought he had not heard aught, so I told him the rumour. The master listened, and he just smiled to himself, and said, ``If they have been in the marsh, they are out now, Zillah. Nelly Dean is

Mar 6, 2008

Jack Vettriano Painting

Oh!' he sobbed, `I cannot bear it! Catherine, Catherine, I'm a traitor, too, and I dare not tell you! But leave me, and I shall be killed! Dear Catherine, my life is in your hands: and you have said you loved me, and if you did, it wouldn't harm you. You'll not go, then? kind, sweet, good Catherine! And perhaps you will consent--and he'll let me die with you!'
My young lady, on witnessing his intense anguish, stooped to raise him. The old feeling of indulgent tenderness overcame her vexation, and she grew thoroughly moved and alarmed.
`Consent to what?' she asked. `To stay? Tell me the meaning of this strange talk, and I will. You contradict your own words, and distract me! Be calm and frank, and confess at once all that weighs on your heart. You wouldn't injure me, Linton, would you? You wouldn't let any enemy hurt me, if you could prevent it? I'll believe you are a coward for yourself, but not a cowardly betrayer of your best friend.'

Mar 5, 2008

animal painting

``I'm ill tonight, Catherine, love,'' he said; ``and you must have all the talk, and let me listen. Come, and sit by me. I was sure you wouldn't break your word, and I'll make you promise again, before you go.''
`I knew now that I mustn't tease him, as he `was ill; and I spoke softly and put no questions, and avoided irritating him in any way. I had brought some of my nicest books for him; he asked me to read a little of one, and I was about to comply, when Earnshaw burst the door open: having gathered venom with reflection. He advanced direct to us, seized Linton by the arm, and swung him off the seat.
``Get to thy own room!'' he said, in a voice almost inarticulate with passion; and his face looked swelled and furious. ``Take her there if she comes to see thee: thou shalln't keep me out of this. Begone wi' ye both!'' He swore at us, and left Linton no time to answer, nearly throwing him into the kitchen; and he clenched his fist as I followed, seemingly longing to knock me down. I was afraid for a moment, and I let one volume fall; he kicked it after me, and shut us out. I heard a malignant, crackly laugh by the fire, and turning, beheld that odious Joseph standing rubbing his bony hands, and quivering.

Mar 4, 2008

Decorative painting

Summer drew to an end, and early autumn: it was past Michaelmas, but the harvest was late that year, and a few of our fields were still uncleared. Mr Linton and his daughter would frequently walk out among the reapers; at the carrying of the last sheaves, they stayed till dusk, and the evening happening to be chill and damp, my master caught a bad cold, that settling obstinately on his lungs, confined him indoors throughout the whole of the winter, nearly without intermission.
Poor Cathy, frightened from her little romance, had been considerably sadder and duller since its abandonment; and her father insisted on her reading less, and taking more exercise. She had his companionship no longer; I esteemed it a duty to supply its lack, as much as possible, with mine: an inefficient substitute; for I could only spare two or three hours, from my numerous diurnal occupations, to follow her footsteps, and then my society was obviously less desirable than his.

Mar 3, 2008

famous salvador dali painting

him; but now he smiled when he met her eye, and softened his voice in addressing her; and I was foolish enough to imagine the memory of her mother might disarm him from desiring her injury. Linton stood on the hearth. He had been out walking in the fields, for his cap was on, and he was calling to Joseph to bring him dry shoes. He had grown tall of his age, still wanting some months of sixteen. His features were pretty yet, and his eye and complexion brighter than I remembered them, though with merely temporary lustre borrowed from the salubrious air and genial sun.
`Now, who is that?' asked Mr Heathcliff, turning to Cathy. `Can you tell?'
`Your son?' she said, having doubtfully surveyed, first one and then the other.
`Yes, yes,' answered he: `but is this the only time you have beheld him? Think! Ah! you have a short memory. Linton, don't you recall your cousin, that you used to tease us so with wishing to see?'
`What, Linton!' cried Cathy, kindling into joyful surprise at the name. `Is that little Linton? He's taller than I am! Are you, Linton?'
The youth stepped forward, and acknowledged himself: she kissed him fervently, and they gazed with wonder at the change time had wrought in the appearance of each. Catherine had

the last supper painting

her `real' cousin. The evening of their expected arrival came. Since early morning, she had been busy ordering her own small affairs; and now, attired in her new black frock--poor thing! her aunt's death impressed her with no definite sorrow--she obliged me, by constant worrying, to walk with her down through the grounds to meet them.
`Linton is just six months younger than I am,' she chattered, as we strolled leisurely over the swells and hollows of mossy turf, under shadow of the trees. `How delightful it will be to have him for a playfellow! Aunt Isabella sent papa a beautiful lock of his hair; it was lighter than mine--more flaxen, and quite as fine. I have it carefully preserved in a little glass box: and I've often thought what pleasure it would be to see its owner. Oh! I am happy--and papa, dear, dear papa! Come, Ellen, let us run! come, run.'
She ran, and returned and ran again, many times before my sober footsteps reached the gate, and then she seated herself on the grassy bank beside the path, and tried to wait patiently