Jun 17, 2008

Pietro Perugino paintings

With this light was extinguished the last irresolution in D’Artagnan’s heart. He recalled to his mind the details of the first night, and with beating heart and brain on fire he re-entered the hôtel and rushed up to Kitty’s chamber.
The young girl, pale as death, and trembling in all her limbs, wished to delay her lover; but milady, listening intently, had heard the noise made by D’Artagnan, and opening the door,
“Come,” said she.
The door closed after them.
She immediately came close to him again.
We cannot say how long the night seemed to milady, but D’Artagnan imagined he had been with her scarcely two hours when day began to appear at the window-blinds, and soon invaded the chamber with its pallid light

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