Jan 28, 2008

van gogh painting

"You think we may learn something that way?" "Frankly,Hastings,I am not particularly hopeful.This man,this unknownX,obviously prides himself on his abilities.He is not likely to blaze atrail that can be followed straight away." "So that really the ABC isn't helpful at all." "Not in the sense you mean." "In any sense?" Poirot did not answer at once.Then he said slowly: "The answer to that is yes.We are confronted here by an unknownpersonage.He is in the dark and seeks to remain in the dark.But in the verynature of things he cannot help
throwing light upon himself.In one sense weknow nothing about him-in another sense we know already a good deal.I seehis figure dimly taking shape-a man who prints clearly and well-who buysgood-quality paper-who is at great needs to express his personality.I seehim as a child possibly ignored and passed over-I see him growing up with aninward sense of inferiority-warring with a sense of injustice......I see

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