Oct 31, 2007

One Moment in Time

Whether from the conversation it was having with the rodent-like creature or theoverdose of booze, the apartment house for wayward eyeballs was obviously growingagitated. It leaned forward, almost toppling into Luke, and spewed a stream ofunintelligible gibberish at him. Luke felt the eyes of a crowd on him as he grewincreasingly more nervous. "Sorry," the human mimicked derisively, clearly deep into his own cups. "Areyou insulting us? You just better watch yourself. We're all wanted." Heindicated his drunken companions. "I have the death sentence on me in twelvedifferent systems." "I'll be careful, then," Luke muttered. The little man was smiling broadly. "You'll be dead." At this the rodent let out a loud grunt. It was either a signal or a warning,because everything human or otherwise which had been leaning up at the barimmediately backed away, leaving a clear space around Luke and his antagonists. Trying to salvage the situation, Luke essayed a wan smile. That faded rapidlywhen he saw that the three were readying hand weapons. Not only couldn't he havecountered all three of them, he had no idea what a couple of the lethal-looking devicesdid. "this little one isn't worth the trouble," a calm voice said. Luke looked up,startled. He hadn't heard Kenobi come up alongside him. "Come, let me buy youall something…"


Anonymous said...

One Moment in Time"

Anonymous said...

One Moment in Time"

Anonymous said...

One Moment in Time"