Tom Thomson The Pool
They never!" said the girl. "My granny said they came because people were bad, and God sent them to punish us."
"Your granny don' know nothing," said a boy. "She got a beard, your granny. She's a goat, all right."
"What's the Guildsmaller than that. So small you couldn' see it, even. But he cut that, too, and inside the smallest little bit there was all the Specters packed in, twisted over and folded up so tight they took up no space at all. But once he cut it, bam! They whooshed out, and they been here ever since. That's what my papa said."
"Is there any Guild men in the tower now?" said Lyra.?" Lyra persisted."You know the Torre degli Angeli," said a boy. "The stone tower, right. Well it belongs to the Guild, and there's a secret place in there. The Guild, they're men who know all kind of things. , all kind of things they know. And they were the ones who let the Specters in.""That ain' true," said another boy. 'They came from the stars.""It is! This is what happened, all right: this Guild man hundreds of years ago was taking some metal apart. Lead. He was going to make it into gold. And he cut it and cut it smaller and smaller till he came to the smallest piece he could get. There ain' nothing
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