Dec 3, 2007

The Painter's Honeymoon

man felt that he had been robbed, and the boats were hoisted in amid curses, which, if curses had power, would have settled Death Larsen for all eternity- 'Dead and damned for a dozen of eternities,' commented Louis, his eyes twinkling up at me as he rested from hauling taut the lashings of his boat. ¡¡¡¡'Listen to them, and find if it is hard to discover the most vital thing in their souls,' said Wolf Larsen. 'Faith, and love, and high ideals? The good, the beautiful, the true?' ¡¡¡¡'Their innate sense of right has been violated,' Maud Brewster said, joining the conversation. ¡¡¡¡She was standing a dozen feet away, one hand resting on the main-shrouds and her body swaying gently to the slight roll of the ship. She had not raised her voice, and yet I was struck by its clear and bell-like tone. Ah, it was sweet in my ears! I scarcely dared look at her just then, for fear of betraying myself. A small boy's

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Painter's Honeymoon"