Oct 16, 2007

oil painting for sale

if caught, it would be instantly withdrawn; yet ever and anon, it
returned searchingly to our table. I wondered what it meant: I
wondered, too, at the punctual satisfaction he never failed to exhibit
on an occasion that seemed to me of small moment, namely, my weekly
visit to Morton school; and still more was I puzzled when, if the
day was unfavourable, if there was snow, or rain, or high wind, and
his sisters urged me not to go, he would invariably make light of
their solicitude, and encourage me to accomplish the task without
regard to the elements.
'Jane is not such a weakling as you would make her,' he would
say: 'she can bear a mountain blast, or a shower, or a few flakes of
snow, as well as any of us. Her constitution is both sound and
elastic;- better calculated to endure variations of climate than
many more robust.'
And when I returned, sometimes a good deal tired, and not a
little weather-beaten, I never dared complain, because I saw that to
murmur would be to vex him: on all occasions fortitude pleased him;
the reverse was a special annoyance.
One afternoon, however, I got leave to stay at home, because I


Anonymous said...

oil painting for sale"

Anonymous said...

"oil painting for sale"

Anonymous said...

"oil painting for sale"